Three Crowns Mixtape: February 11, 2022
Johnny Sandquist
Founder & CEO, Three Crowns Copywriting & Marketing
Important financial industry news + marketing insights + good music.
Are your weekend plans celebrating Valentine’s Day or watching Super Bowl commercials? Whether you’re feeling more ❤️❤️❤️ or 🏈🏈🏈 these days, can we all agree that indulging the latest Tushy campaign will not be on the to-do list?
Must-Read Financial Industry & Marketing Articles
Podcast Recommendation: Hard Money’s Million Dollar Podcast
Matt Saincome founded the website Hard Times, which is like The Onion for people who love punk rock (sample headline: Henry Rollins Driving App Tells You How Hard it Would Have Been to Get There in the ’80s). For the past year, Matt’s been taking his punk rock ethos to the stock market with a podcast where he’s on a quest to turn $10,000 into $1 million by making only the riskiest investments.
Every episode’s title represents how much money he has as of the recording, and since he started last January, titles have ranged from “$160,694” to “$52,229” to “$6,442” to one simply titled “Oh f*** did we just lose all our money.” Currently, he sits at $70,320. Definitely worth a listen. You can check it out on Spotify and Apple.
A Fake Rapper Stole Some Fake Money
If you were on the Internet this week, you probably know about Razzlekhan by now – she’s a…rapper(?) and more notoriously, stole over $3 billion worth of Bitcoin.
Apparently, this all started with the unauthorized transfer of Bitcoin from one wallet to another, and from there Razzlekhan and her husband attempted to cover up their theft by laundering their crypto through a bunch of transactions.
Eventually, the U.S. government caught up to them – and now they can add a bunch of Bitcoin to Uncle Sam’s ledger.
It’s a wild story, but the wildest part of it all is Razzlekhan’s online persona. We recommend clicking through to the link so you can witness her…um, skills?
8 Free Tools to Make Your Google Ads Better
We love a good “best tools” roundup and this one does not disappoint. The only thing we might love even more? A free best tools roundup in infographic form.
Red Website Design pulled together 8 Google Ads tools that can help with everything from keyword generation to budgeting for ads. There’s even a nifty AI-powered headline generator from StoryLab – you just type in the basics and it offers 5 different options. Granted, the lack of human touch can lead to some pretty weird suggestions, so it might operate better as a spot to brainstorm rather than a long-term solution for your headlines.
A few of the suggestions it spit out for this lil’ snippet?
💪 “Keyword Tools That Will Help You Create”
🥴“Google Ads Can Be Incredibly Useful, But They Are”
Solid first option, but left us hanging on the second one there.
Our Least Favorite Campaign this Week
Just imagine having to judge this contest…

Here’s what we’ve been listening to this week.

Zach McDonald, President & CMO
“This week I discovered my first favorite album of 2022.”

Johnny Sandquist, Founder & CEO
“Beirut is a criminally underrated band.”

Connor Brandt, Graphic Designer
“Speaking of criminally underrated bands, The Real Zebos just dropped a new song (kinda).”

Delaney R, Digital Marketing Specialist
“This song has been stuck in my head all week. 😄”

Justine Young, Content Writer
“A feel-good love song for all the lovebirds out there this Valentine’s Day.”
Keep up with all of our picks of the week over time with the Three Crowns Mixtape on Spotify.
Click here to check it out and favorite it to add it to your collection.