Three Crowns Mixtape: February 25, 2022
Johnny Sandquist
Founder & CEO, Three Crowns Copywriting & Marketing
Important financial industry news + marketing insights + good music.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine this morning as the Russian invasion continues.
It may feel like there isn’t much we can do to help, but if you do want to take action and do what you can, this webpage contains a list where you can donate to relief organizations.
Must-Read Financial Industry & Marketing Articles
Lost in Translation
Twitter (and really, any social network) can be a fickle place for nuanced conversation – everyone’s invited to participate, but a lot can get lost in translation when you don’t have those verbal cues or additional context. And offering unsolicited advice or feedback publicly is almost always going to go in a negative direction – especially if you don’t hit pause before sending out those responses en masse.
So when Sonya Dreizler’s Twitter thread about her experiences as an entrepreneur facing gender bias caught the attention of preeminent industry commentator Michael Kitces, the conversation got off to a rocky start. The topic quickly shifted focus from Sonya’s experiences with discrimination to Michael’s own experiences as a white male in the industry. As expected, many community members stepped in to reply directly to Michael, calling out his responses as “tone-deaf.”
The takeaway? When someone shares their intimate experience online, especially when it’s a negative experience, it’s best to acknowledge it and offer support. If you want to tackle it in more depth, try approaching the conversation with questions – first to understand their point of view, and then to ask if they even want your feedback in the first place so you can be sure you’re entering into a dialogue and not a one-sided conversation.
There are a few positive outcomes to all of this, though. Michael reflected on his statements and offered a well-articulated apology to all involved. Plus, Attorney Max Schatzow picked up on the thread and offered his pro-bono services to Sonya’s new Choir project, which is attempting to bring more equal representation to financial services conferences.
Google Adds “Rewriting Your Page Titles” to Their List of Services, Whether You Like it or Not
Put this one in your mental file marked “Things that probably won’t affect me but are good to know about just in case.”
Last year, people started noticing their pages had strange titles on them in search results. Turns out Google’s algorithm will grab info from your headers and other text to create new titles for pages. It’s not clear exactly why this happens, and it doesn’t appear to happen all that often.
On the off chance that you see a different title in your search results, there’s no need to panic. As far as anyone can tell, it’s not affecting SEO in any way. Again, this is more “huh, that’s weird” news than “WTF?!”
20 Ways to Reduce Your Site’s Bounce Rate
If the bounce rate on your website is over 55%, then spend a few minutes just scanning this article. (To be clear, we’re talking about the bounce rates for pages on your website, not blogs. Blogs typically have a much higher bounce rate and that’s not such a huge deal.)
One of the biggest takeaways that we see a lot of advisors get wrong is making it easy to search your website. Too many advisor sites don’t have a search function at all, or it’s just too hard to find that little magnifying glass icon. Making search easier can go a long way in helping people find their way around your website.
Our Mixtape Muse is Julia Fox Saying Uncuhh Jaaamz
Do not go into your weekend without listening to the earworm that is Julia Fox saying “Uncut Gems.” Stop what you’re doing. Right now. And listen.

Here’s what we’ve been listening to this week.

Zach McDonald, President & CMO
“Celebrated Presidents’ Day this week with a classic album – still a great one.”

Johnny Sandquist, Founder & CEO
“One of my favorite 80s jams.”

Connor Brandt, Graphic Designer
“Been listening to this song a lot lately. Major spy movie vibes.”

Delaney R, Digital Marketing Specialist
“Love how this song is produced. Its beauty lies in its simplicity!”

Justine Young, Content Writer
“I’m certain you’ll like this song. See what I did there? Comedy gold.”
Keep up with all of our picks of the week over time with the Three Crowns Mixtape on Spotify.
Click here to check it out and favorite it to add it to your collection.