Three Crowns Mixtape: September 30, 2022
Johnny Sandquist
Founder & CEO, Three Crowns Copywriting & Marketing
Important financial industry news + marketing insights + good music.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all affected by Hurricane Ian this past week, and we hope everyone reading this newsletter is safe, healthy and with their loved ones. Read on to learn how you can support Hurricane Ian relief organizations.
This week’s mixtape includes:
SEO tips
Facebook Ads solutions
How you can support victims of Hurricane Ian
Must-Read Financial Industry & Marketing Articles
Donate to Support Hurricane Ian Relief
Florida’s west coast is facing devastating damage in the wake of Hurricane Ian. With entire homes and communities destroyed, Florida is just beginning its long road to recovery.
If you want to support Hurricane Ian relief efforts, there are several organizations accepting donations. Click the link below to find a full list of reputable relief agencies that could use your support.
Donate to Support Hurricane Ian Relief
14 Things that can Hurt Your SEO Rankings
SEO is a tricky beast. There are strategies you can use to improve your rankings, but getting there can be hard.
It’s like trying to get a fussy baby to sleep. You do everything that seems like it should put a child to sleep, but nothing seems to work. And then somehow they fall asleep! Oh happy day! You tiptoe away while holding your breath, skillfully avoiding the creaky floorboards, terrified of waking the sleeping beast (wow, this hits a little close to home for me right now). And suddenly they’re awake! WTF kid?!
OK, where were we? Oh yeah, SEO.
So you did everything you could and then one day you made it to page one! Everything was great. You avoided making too many changes to your site in order to avoid waking the beast and then one day – you lost your top spot! WTF Google?
This article features a great infographic on 14 items that could be damaging your site’s SEO health. Check them out, compare with your site, then give us a call if you could use some help.
10 Ways to Decipher What the Heck is Wrong with Your Facebook Ads
Facebook’s ad manager is notoriously cryptic with their error messages. In the world of ad management, few things are more baffling and infuriating than the vague, unhelpful phrase: “Ads not delivering.” Why, Facebook, why aren’t the ads delivering?!
That’s why I appreciated this practical article from AdEspresso where they give you 10 reasons your ads may not be delivering, along with a solution for each.
Did You Try Turning it Off and Back On Again?
Here’s what we’ve been listening to this week.